Tailor made plan created to suit You
At DHC each new patient is evaluated by the endocrinologist Dr Noel Somasundaram. Our multi-disciplinary team works with Dr Noel Somasundaram to create the most advanced medical care possible, in addition, education, aggressive prevention and management of complications is tailor made for each patient.
Dr Noel Somasundaram works with you to help you manage your diabetes or hormone disorder by creating a tailor made, personalized care plan, based on your unique health profile and issues as well as lifestyle. We will work directly with your primary care physician and other specialists throughout your care plan.
Did you know that it is possible to manage your condition and live a long, healthy life? Patients from all over Sri Lanka visit Diabetes and Hormone Center to manage their condition, prevent complications, and learn the latest and unique wellness techniques.
Interested to have a glimpse of how our approach helps you live a long and healthy life?

We rely on several different approaches to diagnose diabetes and hormone conditions. This information is then used to guide us to create a tailor made solution for you:
This test measures your average blood glucose for the past couple of months. It doesn’t require you to fast or drink a special liquid. If you have an A1C of 6.5% or more you have diabetes. If the A1C is more than 7 then urgent action is required to control diabetes in order to prevent complications
Fasting plasma glucose (FBS):
This diagnostic test requires you to fast for at least eight hours before the test. An FBS will test your fasting blood glucose levels. If your levels are 126 mg/dl or higher, you will be diagnosed with diabetes. FBS also indicates how good or bad your control is.
Random (casual) plasma glucose test (RBS):
This is a blood test that can be done at any time. If the test reports a blood glucose of greater than or equal to 200 mg/dl, you will be diagnosed with diabetes.
Capillary blood glucose (CBS):
is done at the visit to see the fluctuation in glucose levels. If it is more than 140 then diabetes targets are not being met. In older adults a more relaxed 180 is taken as a target.
Lipid Profile:
this test can be done fasting 9 to 14 hours or even random for us to monitor your progress. Lipid profile is used to evaluate your risk of heart attacks in future and to guide which medications are required to prevent heart attacks.
Kidney tests:
These include a creatinine, estimated Glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), and urine microalbumin. Together these 3 tests look at kidney function and risk of future kidney problems if any. Based on these tests a kidney protection plan is then initiated- which may include diet changes, control of A1C and blood pressure as well as medications to protect the kidneys.
Fundal Photo:
This is a digital photograph of your retina (back of th e eye)- the most important part of the eye that helps you ‘see’. Retina is damaged by diabetes and high blood pressure and monitoring the retina for any damages is an essential part of diabetes care. We do an initial imaging as well as follow up images later to check and follow up the progress. If there are problems with the retina you may require additional tests such as ocular computed tomogram (OCT) to more carefully study the retina and macula of the eye.
Neuropathy Tests:
These tests check your feet. Diabetes is the number one cause of amputation of the feet or legs! However the good news is that amputations are preventable. At DHC we take care of your feet to give you a mobile future on your own feet. Neuropathy Tests include check of your skin, nerves and blood vessels for any abnormalities in the feet and legs. Based on the findings an appropriate foot care plan is made- this includes tinctures for the nails, creams for the feet, special footwear as appropriate, and medications based on the findings. Sometimes a vascular surgery consultation may be needed based on what we find in the blood vessels of the feet.
Thyroid Tests:
For those with thyroid illness thyroid function tests are done. These include TSH, Free T4 and Free T3, in addition thyroid autoantibodies may be measured as well as thyroglobulin which is a tumour marker. Imaging of the thyroid is done with Ultrasound scan of thyroid if required. The other imaging studies that we may need include a CT Scan of thyroid and sometimes an XRay. In patients with thyrotoxicosis or nodules a Tc99 nuclear scan may be required. If there is a suspicious nodule a fine needle aspiration cytology of thyroid ( FNAC test is done to risk stratify the nodule.
Menstrual disorders evaluation:
in women with menstrual abnormalities, excessive hair growth or acne a comprehensive evaluation is made to look at the underlying hormonal abnormality. The tests often include LH, FSH both of which control the ovaries, Testosterone level which may be increased in those with acne, or excessive hair growth, Prolactin level which may indicate a pituitary problem, 17 OH Progesterone which may indicate an adrenal gland abnormality.
Pituitary Assessment:
In those with suspected pituitary problems a variety of pituitary hormones are checked. These include: Cortisol, TSH, T4, Prolactin, LH FSH, Growth Hormone, and IGF-1. Sometimes dynamic pituitary tests are done. Imaging of pituitary is usually with an MRI scan of Pituitary.
Bone and calcium assessments
These tests are required for those with suspected osteoporosis or calcium disorders. Osteoporosis Assessment is done with a DEXA scan and FRAX score while the calcium control is studied with Calcium, phosphorous, alkaline phosphatase, vitamin D level, and Parathormone (PTH) tests. If relevant further tests such as bone turnover markers, urine calcium excretion and imaging of parathyroid glands with 4D CT or SestaMIBI scan is done. PTH venous catheter is done in some patients to evaluate for the parathyroid gland abnormality.
Adrenal Gland evaluation:
Adrenal functions are evaluated by hormone tests in the blood or urine as appropriate. The tests include: Cortisol, Testosterone, 17 OH Progesterone, ACTH, Renin, Aldosterone, Metanephrine, Normetanephrine as well as Urine Metanephrine, and Urine normetanephrine. Imaging of the adrenal gland is done with CT scan adrenal protocol or MRI scan.
Gonadal and Sex Horomones.
Based on the clinical scenario these may include LH FSH Testosterone Estradiol and SHBG.
Whatever your problem or condition is, we approach every patient uniquely— and a custom made plan is made to suit your needs and condition. Whether it is type 1 or type 2 diabetes or a thyroid problem or a pituitary gland tumour or an adrenal problem or hormonal issue or osteoporosis we make a plan that suits you the best. That’s because every one of our patients is unique and has unique needs and issues. Our objective is to provide the best care to give you the best outcomes:

Monitoring blood glucose:
We help our patients to monitor and record their blood sugar throughout the day. This makes sure their blood sugar levels stay in check. These recordings can be sent to us to our WhatsApp hotline 0777892100 periodically for us to provide guidance on how to change medications and insulins.

We may prescribe a variety of medications to support and repair organs such as the pancreas, heart, kidneys, nerves, and brain as well as for controlling diabetes; These include oral or injected medications. Our Endocrinologist will talk with you about available medication options and if they’re right for you.

Nutrition counseling:
Our team includes a registered dietitian who can prepare a specialized nutrition plan for you. You can work together to understand the types of foods you should eat, how much, and how often.

Specialty care for your organs:
Our team includes renowned experts in the field of ophthalmology, Retinal surgery, Occuloplasty, Cardiac imaging and therapy, cardiothoracic surgery, cardiac electrophysiology, sports Medicine, Neurosurgery, Endocrine Surgery, Bariatric surgery, Transplant surgery, and Foot Surgery in Sri Lanka and in reputed centers overseas. When needed, we partner with experts for specialized care.

Insulin therapy:
People with type 1 diabetes, as well as some people with type 2 diabetes, need insulin treatment. We custom make insulin treatment to best suit you. We offer a range of the latest insulin therapies, and our endocrinologist will work with you to find the right approach in treatment and monitoring.

We also do regular A1C testing to make sure that the glucose remains under control throughout. These steps ensure that the kidneys heart, eyes and feet remain in good health.

Exercise plans:
Regular exercise can help regulate your blood glucose levels, blood pressure, help with your overall health including posture and balance. Plus, exercise can give you more energy and support your mental wellbeing. We will prescribe a doable exercise plan that includes activities you enjoy.
Education and support
Educating you to take control of your life and conduction is a big part of what we do at DHC. Our experienced educators and dieticians offer one-on-one consultations with patients. We also offer online videos for education.We cover a range of topics including:
- The basics of diabetes
- Your first steps in living with diabetes
- Creating an exercise plan
- Healthy foods to eat
- How to start and use insulin
- New technologies that treat diabetes
- Hypoglycemia management
- Weight loss strategies
- New trends with diet and exercise
- Hormone balance with diet and exercise
- What to do with endocrine diseases such as thyroid, osteoporosis, adrenal or pituitary conditions.
Lifetime of Support and Maintenance
Our patients become lifelong members of the DHC family. We work with them throughout their lives to help keep diabetes and other endocrine conditions well controlled to give them a long healthy life. This starts with changes in lifestyle, careful blood glucose monitoring — both throughout the day and through regular A1C testing, through novel strategies in diet and exercise as well as being in control of their medications.
Because lifestyle changes make a big impact on diabetes, obesity and hormonal disorders our dietitians and counsellors will help you maintain your health going forward. We review your progress routinely and recommend adjustments to your food, exercise, times of eating, and sleeping time as needed, and do everything possible to keep complications at bay. IN addition our unique WhatsApp hotline 0777892100 helps you navigate the difficulties in life by offering you advice and free help.
As a DHC client, you will be welcomed by our whole team, get to know our staff, and be invited to patient events and activities. DHC clients receive more than just treatment for diabetes and hormones— they receive lifelong support and community.